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Paul Ogynyemi is the  interviewee and his reformation from a wanted criminal to active member in his local church is the focus of 'My Path to Christ.' He was born and grew up in Manchester where he found himself involved in gangs in the Moss Side of Manchester during the early 80s and prime era of gang wars. The main gang war which Paul was involved in was Moss Side vs Cheetham Hill. Paul experienced two years in prison and on constant watch by the police as he was a very wanted criminal due to the things which he had done. Even though he grew up in a Christian family, he always denied the idea of God. His conversion came when he came across a light in a church and was drawn to go in, he asked God why he was in the position he was in with life and if he could change to which God responded. From then on Paul lived a completely different life. 


Paul experienced this when he was in his early 20s giving him plenty of time to change his life around. He qualified as a furniture maker which he does to this day, moved to Chester, married and has two children. He is currently studying divinity at degree level to learn more about his faith. He is an Evangelical Christian and spends a lot of time travelling and sharing his experience to others, giving them hope of redemption.  

the film
The facts


Director: Georgina Hebson

' I've known Paul for many years as a family friend and once he told me his story about his conversion, I knew that more people needed to hear about it. I spoke to him about the possible idea of filming a documentary and luckily enough, he was very open about the idea. 


After taking the time getting research from focus target audience groups about documentaries, creating a script, story-boarding and setting a schedule with Paul, filming began with an interview with Paul where he explained his whole story.  


I also gathered footage at Paul's local church in Chester, as well as shots from other churches which I felt would add more to the documentary visually. I also focused heavy research into the news during the time of serious crime in Moss Side Manchester and used archive footage from there.


The filming process was fun yet enjoyable, and I hope that everyone enjoys and takes a message from this documentary which I am very passionate about.' 


The mission


'My Path to Christ' is a very proud sponsor for the charity Christian Aid. Please click the link below for more information and donate what you can. 

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